
What do we mean when we talk about our Spirituality?

Here are some thoughts on and definitions of spirituality. Which do you think best applies to how you think of your spirituality? and which do you think you would like to incorporate into your experience/expression of spirituality?

  • “Spirituality refers to those experiences and practices that draw us outside of ourselves to the transcendent.”
    ~Anita De Luna, “Popular Religion and Spirituality”
    in The Handbook of Latina/o Theologies

  • “Spirituality describes those attitudes, beliefs, practices which animate peoples lives and help them to reach out.”
    ~Gordon Wakefield, Westminster Dictionary of Christian Spirituality

  • “Spirituality concerns how people subjectively appropriate traditional beliefs about God, the human person creation, and their interrelationship, and then express these in worship, basic values, and lifestyle.”
    ~Philip Sheldrake, Spirituality and Theology,
    Christian Living and the Doctrine of God

  • “Spirituality studies not principles to be applied nor general classes or typical cases but concrete individuals, persons, works, events...There is no such thing as generic spirituality or spirituality in general. Every spirituality is necessarily historically concrete and therefore involves some thematically explicit commitments, some actual and distinct symbol system, some traditional language, in short a theoretical-linguistic framework which is integral to it and without which it cannot be meaningfully discussed at all”
    ~Sandra Schneiders, Theology and Spirituality: Strangers, Rivals, or Partners?

  • “Spirituality is specific in its expression. It is subjectively appropriated and...it is historically and culturally contextualized. Spirituality is dynamic and active and emerges out of experiences and practices from our daily lives or, as Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz and others call it, spirituality is Lo Cotidiano, the daily experience.”
    ~Anita De Luna, “Popular Religion and Spirituality”
    in The Handbook of Latina/o Theologies

Lo Cotidiano Is...

Lo Cotidiano: A faith-sharing community named for the Hispanic Catholic concept of “lo cotidiano” – faith practiced in “the everyday”. This concept provides a foundation of practical theology and spiritual formation for groupmembers. Our group explores ways in which we can put our faith into praxis. This allows us to grow in our understanding of our faith/spirituality as well as our understanding of self and personal vocation, our role in our community, the importance of relationship with the other, all while simultaneously discovering God in the day-to-day. :-)

"Spirituality is dynamic and active and emerges out of experiences and practices from our daily lives or, as Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz and others call it, spirituality is Lo Cotidiano - the daily experience."

~ Anita De Luna, "Popular Religion and Spirituality" in The Handbook of Latina/o Theologies

Lo Cotidiano Letter

This is an old example of an e-letter explaining the basics of Lo Cotidiano.

Bienvenidos and Welcome!

Hola! My name is Andrea Elizarrez and I am thrilled to present this new blog for Lo Cotidiano: Latina/o Faith Formation!

About Me: I am currently finishing my graduate studies at the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College, working on an M.Ed in Religious Education with a concentration in U.S. Hispanic Theology and Ministry. I am also working as a graduate assistant at the Office of AHANA Student Programs (OASP), an on campus office which provides academic, social, cultural, and spiritual services for Boston College multicultural students. At OASP I am the grad assistant for Spritual Development and Outreach and I love my job! I have valued the opportunity to apply the education that I have gained at the STM to help foster the growth of the Spiritual Development and Outreach department at OASP and promote student involvement in spiritual opportunities.

About the Group: In addition to promoting student involvement in spiritual opportunities both on and off campus, I am also happy to say that I have established a new faith formation group on campus specifically geared towards Latina/os. This group, which is sponsored by AHANA is called Lo Cotidiano to express the U.S. Hispanic concept of Faith lived in the Everyday. And while last semester, it was specifically focused to serve BC Latinas, now the group is being expanded to include BC Latinos as well!

New and Exciting: Yip, this semester, Lo Cotidiano is Co-Ed and its taking another new direction as well, in that the group will now integrate more web-technology so that group members can communicate via this blog, a new facebook group and even You-tube in addition to the more traditional face-to-face meetings and emails!

I'm really excited to get started so sign up now to become part of this fun new venture!